Stephanie Borges Folarin Wishes Wye River Upper School Continued Success

by Katie Lillard, Director of Enrollment and Communication

Wye River Upper School's Head of School bids the WRUS community a farewell at the end of June 2023.

When Stephanie Borges Folarin walked through the doors of Wye River Upper School on her first day as Head of School in 2021, she supercharged our energetic current. Over her three-year tenure, Mrs. Folarin’s resolute excitement and optimism have been evident in the daily musical greeting she sounded through the halls of our building each morning. Mrs. Folarin set the tone for our community. She offered sincere care and connection to all members of the faculty, staff, and student body and, in doing so, established a new standard for inclusivity and understanding for one another. Mrs. Folarin was a relatable and approachable leader, considered the thoughts and opinions of her colleagues, and took an interest in their lives. She worked with our students in and out of the classroom, opening her office to students as an alternative safe space. Mrs. Folarin’s forward-thinking initiated the formation of our eighth grade, a pivotal moment in the history of Wye River Upper School. Her passion and dedication to making education accessible to students who learn differently are undeniable, and we wish her the greatest success on her continued journey knowing that she’ll touch the lives of many more to come. 

What is your favorite thing about the WRUS community?

My favorite thing about our community is the unwavering support we have for one another. It’s truly heartwarming to see how students, teachers, parents, and staff come together to lift each other up. This sense of camaraderie and unity creates a nurturing environment where everyone feels valued and encouraged to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.

What do you wish for WRUS moving forward?

As I prepare to transition from my role as Head of School, my heartfelt wish for the school’s future is to continue striving for excellence and innovation in education. I hope that the school will remain dedicated to adapting and evolving to meet the changing needs of our students and community. Furthermore, I wish for the school to preserve and strengthen its sense of community and inclusivity, ensuring that every individual feels valued and supported. Ultimately, I hope that the school will continue to make a profound and positive impact on the lives of its students and the broader community in the years ahead.

What will you take with you from this experience into your next?

As I prepare to depart from this wonderful community, I will carry with me cherished memories of the incredible relationships forged here. The bonds formed with students, parents, and staff have enriched my life in countless ways. Additionally, I will take with me the lessons learned from our collective journey, the triumphs celebrated, and the challenges overcome. These experiences have shaped me as an educator and a person, and I will forever be grateful for the opportunity to have been a part of this vibrant community.