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College and Career Planning
Taking the Next Step in Life
At Wye River Upper School, we prioritize supporting students and families in planning for life after high school. Our college- preparatory curriculum and college counseling provide students with the resources and readiness they need to pursue higher learning.
All students are guided in creating personal resumes, completing career interest surveys, discussing topics such as leadership and service, and developing their understanding of the various options available to them after graduation. Students explore personal interests, dreams, and goals and discuss their current choices with advisors. At Wye River Upper School, students will also engage in an in-depth exploration of college and career options through a program called Naviance. Naviance helps our students create a personalized plan that aligns their strengths and interests with postsecondary goals, improving student outcomes and connecting learning to life.
Our current parents and students can log in to this program here.
Furthermore, juniors and seniors are exposed to several colleges and postsecondary programs by visiting campuses, attending college fairs, and listening to select representatives at Wye River Upper School. Over the years, our counseling office has developed a strong understanding of the different types of support offered at various colleges. We enjoy hearing back from our alumni about their successes in schools that have proven to be a good fit.
Dual Enrollment at WRUS
Students have the opportunity to participate in dual enrollment and technical training courses at Chesapeake Community College. Our students have earned as many as fifteen college credits before high school graduation, creating a distinguished college application.
Courses have included Communications, Art History, Psychology, Sociology, Wellness and Nutrition, Computer Hardware, Computer Science, U.S. History, Music, and Culinary Arts.
We also work with local businesses and organizations to offer career experiences that support our students' interests and prepare them for post-secondary education through career exploration. These opportunities give students real-world experiences that help them transition into college and careers.
Internship Opportunities
Our students are encouraged to participate in work internships during their junior and senior years. Internships through The Academy of Arts Museum, Bay Tech Team, WCEI, Dixon Valve, Great Oak Marina Services, private welding businesses, and more have helped our students more deeply investigate their interests and gain experience with potential career pathways.
Regardless of the path our students choose, each and every graduate is guided in developing a plan for life after high school and the confidence necessary to pursue their hopes, goals, and dreams.

WRUS graduates pursue many career pathways including aviation, nursing, education, underwater welding, military, computer science, and more.

Our students have been accepted to the following schools:
Anne Arundel Community College
Columbia College of Art & Design
Corcoran School of the Arts & Design
Florida Institute of Technology
Howard County Community College
James Clark School of Engineering
McNally Smith School of Music
Rochester Institute of Technology
Savannah College of Art & Design
St. Mary’s College of Maryland
The University of Central Florida