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Fast Facts

5:1 Ratio
At Wye River Upper School, we maintain a 5:1 student-to-teacher ratio to keep class sizes small and cater to the learning differences of each individual student.
11 Counties
Our students travel from 11 different counties between Maryland and Delaware. Our bus transportation system allows families and students to access our school no matter the distance.

55 Students
Wye River Upper School is intentionally small enabling us to engage with students who need time and attention in order to learn and become successful in the classroom.

Diverse Post-Graduation Paths
After graduating from Wye River Upper School students seek many different paths.
Dual-Enrollment Program
Junior and Senior students at Wye River Upper School have the option to seek dual-enrollment with local colleges in order to earn college credits while a high school student.

National & Regional Accreditation
Wye River is proud to uphold accreditation from the Association of Independent Maryland Schools (AIMS), and the Middle States Association Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools.
Applications are accepted year-round
Applications for enrollment to Wye River Upper School are accepted year-round. We are proud to offer enrollment and new student transfers throughout the school year.
Please contact our admissions team here for more information.

College and Post-secondary Advising
Our staff is skilled in guiding students and their families through the process of forming a post-secondary path - whether that be college, work experience, or other pursuits.
Wye River Upper School is a nonprofit organization with 501(c)(3) status
Wye River Upper School, a proud 501 (c)(3) non-profit, raises funds to support our annual, financial aid, and endowment funds.

60% of Our Faculty and Staff Hold Graduate Degrees
At Wye River Upper School, 60% of our faculty and staff hold graduate degrees. while all faculty and staff receive professional development training to apply new learning techniques within our classrooms.