What is Advancement and Why is it Important?
The Advancement team supports the community of WRUS–our students, teachers, families, and community.
The day-to-day work of the Advancement team is to fund and fuel WRUS so that it continues to be a vibrant, innovative school that changes the lives of bright students with learning differences.
To fund WRUS, we lead a robust fundraising program that goes beyond bridging the gap between tuition and the cost of educating each student, which is always the primary goal of development at an independent school. In fact, the term “Advancement” specifically refers to our objective: to procure the resources that advance the school’s mission and nurture its growth. Our fundraising program includes the Annual Fund, which is the most important resource we have to fund teachers, students, and outstanding academic opportunities. A significant portion of our work is also dedicated to supporting financial aid so that a WRUS education can be within the financial reach of all families. After all, learning differences like ADHD, Dyslexia, and ASD, among others, do not discriminate.

Behind all our work are students and their stories—the lives changed, confidence built, and bonds formed that support a foundation for thriving young adults.
Advancement nurtures the connections we all have with the school, especially through hearing each person’s unique WRUS story. We want to know why people are passionate about WRUS, how the school has changed their lives, and what they want for the future of WRUS.
How can I support Advancement at WRUS?
You are part of our Advancement team and your participation in the work makes a big difference! You can volunteer, donate, or simply be an ambassador who tells the story of WRUS. Advancement builds engagement in our community, helps to connect the school to local civic and community leaders, philanthropic individuals, and organizations, and creates platforms for us to continue to share and enhance our students’ education. Because at the heart of everything we do are our students.
Meet Dr. Jen Palinkas, Director of Advancement at Wye River Upper School!