Flight 2025: Greater Heights for Greater Minds
The Visionary Plan Charting Wye River Upper School's Course
Wye River Upper School Is Looking to the Future

Pillar I: Program
Wye River Upper School Will Provide Exceptional Programming.
At Wye River Upper School, we believe in the power of an exceptional academic program to change lives. In our nearly two decades of teaching students with learning differences, we have been privileged to play a part in incredible, life-changing transformations. We take seriously our charge as stewards of transformation, embracing a process of continual improvement of our academic program. Flight 2025: A Strategic Plan for Wye River Upper School's Future focuses our attention on what matters most: a student-centered, researched-based academic program with a dynamic, capable faculty.
Pillar II: Communication
WRUS Will Be Well
Regarded and Connected.
At Wye River Upper School, we know that changing lives is nothing short of a community-wide effort. With this in mind, Flight 2025: A Strategic Plan for Wye River Upper School's Future calls for the intentional, strategic building of relationships for the good of our students. Educators, students, parents, community leaders, and more will come together to form a Wye River Upper School community. Unified as one, this community will thoughtfully engage in a joint effort to ensure that Wye River Upper School's students have access to the best education and future possibilities.

Pillar III: Financial Stability
WRUS Will Be Fiscally Stable.
At Wye River Upper School, we work to better the lives of the students of today and those to come. The third pillar of Flight 2025: A Strategic Plan for Wye River's Future guides the strategic direction for ongoing investments — of time, talents, and resources — in the financial stability of Wye River Upper School.
Guided by this plan, our community of stakeholders will work to cultivate the resources necessary to assure those future generations of bright students with learning differences have access to a world-class, transformational educational experience at Wye River Upper School.
A Message From the Former Chair of Wye River's Board of Trustees, Alexa Seip
In 2014, the Wye River Upper School Board of Trustees, led by John Devlin (Board Chair, 2010-2016), debuted a strategic plan that established a permanent home for the School in the Centreville Armory. No longer was the School wandering around leased spaces at Chesapeake College. We had a HOME! We are celebrating the beginning of our sixth year in this wonderful building.
Now that the School has grown into its new home, it’s time to take the next step in growth and maturity.
To ensure that the voices of Trustees, faculty, administrators, parents of students, and community leaders were heard, we enlisted the help of Brooke Carroll of Acies Strategies to lead us through a five-year strategic planning process. Ten months of conversation, focus groups, and brainstorming has produced Wye River Upper School’s flight plan for the next five years, Flight 2025. Three interconnecting circles of Program, Communication, and Financial Stability make up the Flight.
WRUS will continue to be and build on its leadership in the curriculum, pedagogies, and methodologies for students who learn differently. Wye River Upper School will communicate our Flight to current parents and students, future Wye River families, current and future faculty, our community, and the world at large. Wye River Upper School will fly above the rest.
We will manage our financial resources prudently and respectfully, for it is not our money. It belongs to our current families through their tuition payments, our donors who most graciously make up the difference between tuition and operating budget, foundations that fund new and exciting programs, and to those who have bequested gifts to Wye River Upper School in their estate plans. We will not squander what doesn’t belong to us.
The full Flight 2025 plan with goals and strategies is available for your review. Take a look at what heights we and our students will accomplish in five years. I’m proud of this special place. We will work really hard to make you proud of us, too.